5 Crucial Plumbing Tips to Prepare for Summer

Oliver Aria
4 min readJun 25, 2021


Summer in Sydney means longer days, more sun, and time spent enjoying the great outdoors — but with so much activity comes extra pressure on your home’s plumbing.

As the mercury heats up you’ll have more guests, more dishes to wash, more loads of laundry, and more showers. Not to mention the classic backyard hose on a hot day for kids. This all adds up to more pressure on your plumbing than usual — which can lead to damage and breakdowns.

To avoid being hit with an expensive repair bill, a little preventative maintenance goes a long way. In this article, we’ll share the 5 most crucial plumbing tips to prepare your Sydney home for summer.

Crucial Plumbing Tips to Prepare Your Home for Summer

#1 — Check for dripping taps inside and outside

Your taps will be in high use during the summer months so make sure to check all taps for possible leaks. Look out for water dripping from your fixtures when you’re not using them, or water pooling around taps as warning signs you’ve got a leak.

Faulty o-rings are often the cause of leaks, but there may also be damage to your pipes out of view which can cause severe structural damage if not repaired in time. It’s easy to miss leaks in outdoor taps, after all, water just ends up in the garden, right?

Unfortunately, leaking outdoor taps can waste thousands of litres, driving your next water bill up significantly. If you’re noticing constant dripping, organise a leaking tap service for a fast and affordable fix.

#2 — Check your hot water system

“I’m using less hot water in the warmer weather, so my hot water system should be fine, right?”

Your hot water system won’t be working as hard as it did in winter, but that’s exactly why it needs attention during the summer months.

Your hot water heater builds up sediment deposits and debris every time it’s used. If your household was having long showers during the colder months, your hot water system may currently be struggling with internal debris that reduces the efficiency of the unit and increases the risk of breakdown.

If you plan on hosting summer gatherings, BBQs or pool parties, you’ll need your dishwasher and washing machine to be running properly too. If in doubt, schedule a hot water maintenance check from your local Sydney plumber.

#3 — Check your toilet for blockages and leaks

If you’ve got guests over during summer then your toilet will need to be in top working condition. Toilet leaks are often “silent” as you won’t see a puddle on the floor or any outwards signs of damage. The most common cause of a toilet leak is when the flapper fails to form a tight seal on the valve seat.

Don’t worry if those terms sound frustratingly complex, you can check for a leak by adding 6 drops of food colouring to the cistern water. Wait 30 minutes then check out the water in the bowl, if the food colouring is in the bowl you’ve got a leak that needs fixing.

A simple smell check will also tell you if there’s a problem with your pipes, with unpleasant odours a sign of a potential blockage. If you notice a blockage, it might be time for a little bathroom plumbing maintenance.

#4 — Clear the gutters

Gutter problem?

You may not think of your gutters as being part of your plumbing checklist but summer in Australia means hot weather and the risk of bushfires, especially for residents living in Western Sydney. Fallen leaves, branches and debris can become kindling that put your home at risk if floating embers find their way to your roof.

Even if you don’t live in Western Sydney or near a bushfire zone, summer can bring unexpected storms that blow in and out quickly. If your gutters are clogged with debris this water will find an alternate path to the ground — and that path might be through your walls!

To avoid an expensive headache, skip the flooded yard (or flooded home) and clear out the gutters and downpipes to prepare your home for summer.

#5 — Protect your drains

Summer means backyard parties and family get-togethers. But all the extra food you’ll be enjoying can put your drains under pressure.

Fats, food scraps, oils and sauces can clog up a kitchen drain and block pipes with ease. When it comes to what goes down the drain, keep this simple motto in mind — if in doubt, keep it out!

To prepare your plumbing for summer it’s a good idea to periodically clean your drains. Avoid using chemical drain cleaners as these may corrode your pipes and damage the coating on your sink. Try using a mixture of hot water, baking soda, vinegar and dish soap instead. If you need fast help, our friendly team at Emergency Plumbers offer a 24/7 service to make sure you get the help you need, when you need it.

How to prepare your plumbing for summer

The summer months are perfect for spending time with friends, at the beach, or lounging around with a cool drink in hand. But if you haven’t been proactive to prepare your plumbing, you can quickly end up with problems as the temperature rises.

You’ll save time and money by thinking ahead. If you have a gas BBQ, check for gas leaks. If you’ve got a backyard sprinkler running for the kids, check they’re not leaking during the day. If you’ve got guests staying over, check your showerhead isn’t dripping.

These steps might seem small, but they add up to keep your plumbing running smoothly and avoid any nasty surprises down the line.

Is your home ready for summer? Organise a home plumbing inspection to guarantee your toilet, shower, kitchen, pipes and overall plumbing are ready for summer fun.

